Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Struggle to Remain Obedient

I am humbled by the response to the call of the Lord on my life to help His people identify and deal with those hidden issues in our lives. In Hebrews 12:15 we are warned to be careful, “……….. lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.” The progression of present and future generations depends on our admitting the pain, the issue, the struggle exists; and, addressing those issues that were never meant to be hidden, but handled. What a legacy to leave our children and our children’s children!

As I prayerfully prepare for the publication of the 1st issue of the “My Time to Deal With It” series, I am wrestling spiritually and naturally on a level that is unfamiliar to me. This is new, un-chartered territory in my life. Toward the end of year 2006, the Lord began showing me that I would be required to walk in a greater level of faith in year 2007. During this season of consecration, the Lord has deposited within my spirit a resolve to remain obedient. Even though I have a resolve to move in obedience, I still struggle emotionally. Internally, I struggle with fear, and become anxious as the Lord continues to unfold His purpose for this ministry. I struggle with shame as I prepare to disclose those areas in my life that have been hidden for so long. I still struggle to protect areas that the Lord is calling me to expose. One of my daily devotional scriptures is Hebrews 10:38 which says, “Now the just shall live by faith: But if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.” My heart’s desire is to be pleasing to God. I read this scripture daily and still have considered retreating/turning back because the calling is beyond my comprehension. Yes I am struggling, but I am determined to move forward at His command.

I am so grateful for those the Lord is sending during this season of yielding to His voice. I praise God He knows what I need and when I need it. Sometimes I need a tough Word, to stir me to action and God sends His Word through my husband and Pastor, David M. Pope. At other times, I need Godly counsel and my mother, Gladys Daniels, will advise me, “The baby is out! You can’t put it back in the womb!” If I get a little lax, my Uncle Larry prompts me, “we need more, don’t stop.” The ministerial staff of the Brotherly Love M.B. Church, whom I love dearly, provides constant encouragement. Thank you Minister Francine Turner for the reminder that, “accepting the call does not mean that I am divorcing my emotions, but be obedient in spite of how I feel.” Thank you Minister Lance Ellis for reminding me to, “Do what God has called me to do.” I thank God for each of you and treasure your prompting, encouragement, and prodding. This ministry needs each person, named and unnamed, to help fulfill this assignment. It is so much bigger than me. God is using each of you to help advance this ministry for such a time as this.

Please know that I pray daily for each person the Lord is drawing to this ministry; and, who is hearing this call to healing. I ask that you pray with me that I remain obedient to the call of God; and, that His will be made manifest in my life.

Submitting to His Will,

Tamara D. Pope

@ 2007 by Kingdom Seekers International Ministries, Inc.

We would love to join you in prayer. Please post your prayer requests on our prayer board @ www.kingdomseek.org.


Anonymous said...

The bible says that obedience is better (or more excellent) than sacrifice. From God's viewpoint, it is impossible to separate the two. So since your heart's desire is excellence, then let obedience guide the way. Obedience withstands pain, and shame, and even doubt. Purpose within your heart that you will obey whatever state of you're in emotionally. Do not allow the enemy's manipulation of your emotions to stifle God's message thru your ministry.

Pray for me and my family that we will likewise travel this road to excellence, in accordance to God's calling in our lives as well.

I love you.

Big Bro,


Anonymous said...

I thank God for you and your ministry. Their are so many people hurting and struggling everyday to stay obedient to the word of God. I want you to know you're not along. Some people are committed to the challenge to walk within His will and do their part- They're sure to make a difference in the world, because there's such a difference in their heart. Continue to walk in the path that God has set for you. My prayers are with you and continue to pray for me.

Luv U!
First Lady Tidwell

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! You are such an inspiration and a solider...I thank GOD for you and this ministry. GOD is going to use you to help so many people.
Love Ya